Rooted in indigenous knowledge.

Indigenous communities have proved they are capable and effective conservators of biological diversity. But many remain vulnerable and poorly represented.

DecisionSeed® provides the infrastructure necessary to channel their wisdom into conservation.

Whilst objectivism - the standard model underpinning most government policy-making - approaches knowledge of other life forms and entities like forests, mountains and rivers by delimiting and bracketing-off subjectivity, ’indigenous perspectivist’ ways of knowing nature seek to know other life forms by extending subjectivity to see from their perspective.

So, to know a mountain, try to 'think like a mountain' and see from its point of view.

‘No organism can become itself without the assistance of other species.’

— Anna Tsing 2013.

We offer a bridge.

Aligned with indigenous perspectivism, DecisionSeed® workshops help participants feel into the values of human and non-human stakeholders, including forests, wildlife, sacred places and local deities, and operationalise those values in the collective governance of protected areas.

To know another life form, extend the system boundary to include its perspective…